
Saturday, October 27, 2012

SK's Progress Report Cards
The SK children will be taking home their progress report cards on Tuesday, October 30th. Interviews will be scheduled in the early part of November.
Children's Learning
This week we will be finishing up with some Halloween activities. On Friday, I decided to ask the children what they were interested in learning. Some of their ideas were really cute: sheep, cows, bees and then some of them want to learn about 'bats". So for the first week or two in November we will be learning about bats. This will be a wonderful opportunity for them to compare birds and bats. A wonderful book to assist them with the comparison is "Stellaluna". It is a fiction but there are some facts about birds and bats that are at the Kindergarten level of understanding. This will also give me an opportunity to expose the children to nonfiction reading and some of the components of nonfiction.
By Heart Words
Please remember to review with your children the "By Heart Words". You can make it into a game by printing the words on index cards and having them read the word. The words they know put them into a baggie with a sticker "words I know", and the words they have trouble with in another baggie "words to know". Another idea is to write the words on index cards and then cut the word apart and have your child put the letters back together to make the word. The children have opportunities to stamp the words at school in order to practise the words and we read the words each day 5 times. Our By Heart word for this week will be "like". The children will be writing a little book using the heart word "can", I can book.  On each page the children write I can and then I make the sounds for the word they need and they print the word and make a picture. Then they read the little book to me. This is a "must do" for the SK children and those JK's that want to do it and also assisted.


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