
Friday, October 5, 2012

Taking the Children's Lead
One day last week, one of the children noticed I was eating a green apple. They asked me what it tasted like because she had never had one before. Unable to describe the taste, other than to say it was delicious, and obviously I did not want to give them something that I had been biting into. But this did lead me to decide to offer the students an apple tasting experience. I plan on having red, yellow, and green apple slices for them to taste. Then each child can explain which one they enjoyed the most and I can display this is a graph. This opportunity will automatically lead us to discuss the terms more and less and how we know. Look at the Mathematics we are doing in Kindergarten and the understanding and learning that will be taking place.
One day next week, I think it will be great for us to make applesauce in the Crock pot. Lots of math happening there with measuring and they will be able to see what happens to the apples. Unfortunately it will not be cooked in time to enjoy but we can always have it the next day. This will allow the students to orally communicate their likeness for applesauce or apples.

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