
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dramatic Play Centre
Next week the dramatic play centre will be changing from the beauty salon to a post office. I have purchased fancy paper, different sized envelopes. I am hoping to download a post card template to photocopy. We will continue to have the money in the centre and the telephone. Last week the children painted a box red and I downloaded and printed off the Canada Post Logo to glue onto the box. If I am ambitious enough I may attempt to make one or two mail bags for the mail.
I am looking for stickers that would be about the size of stamps, address labels, and any stamps that may say paid or some kind of office type stamp. Any donations to the post office would be greatly appreciated. If you have something we can borrow and then I will return it to you when the centre is changed again.
I never know how long the centre will be a post office. I usually follow the children's lead and when I see they are becoming bored or silly, then it usually means it is time to change it. 

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