
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Outdoor Play
Even though there is no snow it is very cold outside. If the temperature becomes too cold we will not be going out to play some days next week. However, I suggest all the children come to school each day with snowpants, boots, hats, neck warmers or scarves and warm mittens. The children look forward to playing outside and even if I can take them out for 10 minutes daily the fresh crisp air is good for them and they have lots of fun running around.
We will continue listening to a variety of stories that lead themselves to retelling the important events and in the correct order they occurred. The children mainly will do this orally and through some drama activites. One of the stories we will read next week is called "Snowballs". This is a beautiful book that demonstrates all the various materials children used to create their own special snowman. In order to reinforce some of the elements from the story the children will be bringing home a letter and a snowman which they can create with you at home. This little family project will be in lieu of working on a poem this week. We will be working on a poem on our own during class time this week.
The jolly phonic sounds for this week the "w" sound. This is a wonderful opportunity for the SK children to chunck sounds together in order to make words that begin with the "w" sound. Some of these words are: we, was, went, way, wag, wig, wind, wash, waz, web, will, well, wet, whip, wish, win, wish, won.
The word family for this week is the: ug family.  We mainly focus on simple 3 letter words:  bug, dug, hug, lug, mug, pug, rug, jug, tug.
Finally the "by heart word" is do. Please try to review these words with your child on a regular basis. These words are the words that occur most frequently in their reading and writing.

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