
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Building Continues
Yesterday the afternoon boys challenged themselves to build a structure that five boys could fit inside. The criteria for the building was they had to work as a team. First we discussed what team work looked like and sounded like. These were some of their ideas (the girls assisted with the ideas).
  • took turns and shared.
  • spoke nicely to each other.
  • make sure everyone has a turn to add blocks to the structure.
  • there are no bosses or bossy people.
  • tell each other what a good job they are doing.
  • keep trying different things to make the structure better and better.

Well five of the boys worked very hard on their structure and they showed fabulous team work and made a super structure. All 5 boys successfully fit into the structure. The girls were very kind and complimented the boys on the structure they made and how well they worked as a team.

Well today the girls wanted to have a turn. They wanted to have the same team work but they decided to build a city. What a fabulous city it was. Only three girls chose to work there and they worked on it all afternoon. They made labels for the city so people would know where the pet shop was and other things. The girls even included a play pool in their city.

The boys were a little disappointed they could not have the blocks today. However, it will be interesting to see how they challenge themselves tomorrow and what they will make. The boys did compliment the girls and told them they liked the way they added the writing to their city.

I have found it fascinating to see the maturity and growth that has taken place in such a short time. Blocks, building, and construction is far more than just "play". For I have witnessed first hand, cooperation, problem solving, team work, fairness, and lots of sharing.

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