
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Real World Connection
I placed a small adding machine (that no longer works) in the bakery. The adding machine is small enough for the children to hold in their hand.

I have a cute story I want to share with everyone. The other day in the bakery one of the SK girls was taking an order from a customer. The SK read over what the customer had ordered and then told her what the total of her order would cost. The SK girl handed the adding machine to the customer and asked her if she needed the debit machine. This is a great example of taking what she knew about the real world and implementing it into her play in a successful manner.
I Wonder...

I love hearing stories where the children are taking what they have learned at school and reinforcing it at home. One of the JK parents wrote me a note to explain they have a robin's next at their house. Here are some of his wonderings about the birds and their nests:
How old do birds get?
How long do birds live?
Is this the same bird as last year?
How long does it take a bird to build a nest and lay an egg?

When I presented these wonderings to the class, many of the children exclaimed "those are good wonderings". Perhaps this should be our focus for next week. We will become researchers to find the answers and clues to solve these "wonderings".

The young children are always amazing me with their curiosity and learning!

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