
Sunday, May 12, 2013

The jolly phonic sound is the "ch" sound.  We work on this as a large group and the children have an opportunity to stretch sounds together to make a word. The children often experience difficulty with the vowel sounds. Some of the words we will focus on are:  chat, chap, chop, chip, chin, chick, chest, rich, pinch, porch, chug, chill, lunch. It is important for the children to see some words begin with the sound and some words end with the sound.
The By Heart Word for this week is "went", since it is occurring in their reading and writing. Speaking of writing, I am amazed how these little children love to write. They often come and want to do this with me. They make the picture and many of the children write the words as I stretch out the sounds for them.
We will continue to infer what is happening in the stories we read and in pictures. The children are really becoming more at ease with this activity and eagerly share what they infer is happening and explaining what helped them with their inference. 

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