
Friday, September 20, 2013

Discovery Centre
All of the rocks, gems (small shiny rocks), small sticks (tree branches), and other natural materials were placed on one of the larger tables in the classroom and labelled as the "Discovery Table". I was interested in seeing what the children would discovery or do with the various materials. 
When a centre is open-ended and the materials are just placed out it is amazing what young children create. Some of the investigations are listed below:
- The materials were used to create a fire pit to roast marshmallows and hot dogs on, when the family goes camping.
- A cave was made and inside the cave with hundreds of bats just laying around upside down and a big brown bear.
- Rocks became the head and body of a person, gems for eyes and mouth and a crab apple for the nose, sticks were used for arms and legs and small chestnut shells were used for hands and feet.
- Some of the materials were sorted into rocks, wood, and gems. I explained to this group of children they were Mathematician's because they sorted the materials and explained how they sorted.

It will be interested to see what discoveries and investigations occur today! 

PS   The time of this post is incorrect, it is not 4:00 a.m. it is shortly after 7:00 a.m.

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