
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Problem in Construction Area   (Blocks)
The construction area is one of the most popular areas in the classroom. The children in the morning and the afternoon group are very busy building and constructing towers, spaceships, cages for wild animals and many other structures.
Due to the popularity of the construction area, I noticed there are many times the same children are in this area on a daily basis. So today we discussed the problem and whether or not it was fair or unfair.
One of the boys announced "this was unfair". I decided to ask the children if they agreed, it was unfair and the vote was unanimous that it was unfair. I asked the children to explain why it was unfair. One of the girls explained that "it means some of us will never have a turn in the construction area".
I took the problem one step further and asked the children if they could think of a solution to the problem? One solution was place paper in the construction area and if someone was there on one day, they had to sign their name and then they did not have a turn the next day. Another solution was put up a chart with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on it and put the names of the children who go to the construction area every day.
We have decided to use the blank calendar that is in the room and today I wrote 4 of the children's names that were in the construction area. The children wanted me to write four new names on for tomorrow, but I explained I would do it in the morning because someone may change their mind and not want to go to the construction area.
Wonderful problem solving by the clever very Kindergarten children!
Please remember the BBQ and Open House tomorrow from 4:30 - 6:00. I hope to see many families at this wonderful event.

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