
Saturday, October 19, 2013

The By Heart word for this week is he and the colour word is orange. This week the students will also be introduced to the word family word: at. Word family words help the children to spell many other words such as: cat, bat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, and sat. The important thing about word families words is to ensure the students are chunking the sound at and then adding the beginning sound to the chunk. For example, if the word is hat, the students should sound it out as h  at, hat rather than h  a  t.
The sound for this week is the C/K sound. The students pretend to have a set of castanets in their hand and do the ck,ck,ck,ck sound. Unfortunately, there is a problem with adding the sound to my blog. I tried to find a solution, and apparently at this time google is aware of the problem and are attempting to fix it. I even deleted the whole section, but that did not help. When the problem has been fixed I will attach the page to the blog. If anyone wants a hard copy of the page ask and I will send one home. However, I believe that after Monday's lesson your child will be able to show you the action and the sound. A big thank you to those parents who are practicing the letter and the sound with your child. Many of the SK students know the letters and the sounds we have learned this far. Keep up the great work parents!
The students are beginning to be more confident in sharing their thoughts and ideas about how the character is feeling in the story. This will continue to be the focus for next week, as well as discussing the problem in the story. 

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