
Saturday, December 14, 2013

I love to read. I read biographies, fiction and sometimes non-fiction. My Mother gave me many gifts (non-material gifts) in my life. However, I believe the greatest gift she gave me was the gift of reading. Every year for Christmas and my birthday she made sure I had the gift of a new book. It would be wrapped in the most elegant paper and always included ribbons and a big bow. When I was young the book always came from Santa. My mom explained that she wanted me to know that Santa saw reading as important too. As she handed me the gift she explained this is one of the most important gifts you will ever receive. An author took his/her time and wrote this book especially for you the reader. As the reader you have some important jobs associated with this book Karen. First,  is to take care of it and treasure each page as you turn it. Second, find a character and place yourself in the shoes of the character. Third, open your mind and imagination and paint the pictures from the book like you are hired to be the illustrator.
My Mom read her whole life, whenever she had time to do so. She always read for at least a half an hour before bed and after she retired if she had no plans for the afternoon she read in the day time. Also, after she retired she volunteered at a Nursery School and went in twice a week to work with the children, but also to read to them. She wanted to pass on the gift of reading.
The reason I tell you about this part of my life is, to this day I love to read. I love to hold the book and turn the pages. I know the new age is a digital type of reader but that is not for me. This is why I have a teacher read aloud for the Kindergarten students every day, so I can pass on to them the joy and love of reading. My hope is that Santa will remember to bring each child a book for Christmas. So the children can learn first hand that books are wonderful gifts to receive! It is best to find out what your child is most interested in and then to purchase a book about what interests them! Then they will truly treasure the gift and the book. Happy book shopping! 

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