
Friday, December 13, 2013

The Last Week of School 2013
It is very hard to believe we are near the end of the school year of 2013. Where has the time gone, flown by in a flash that is where. It is a short week next week and an exciting one for the Kindergarten students and parents. Monday is the Christmas concert where the Kindergarten students show their parents all the hard work they have done in order to prepare for the performance. It is also a very proud moment for me, because when the students sing the songs I actually got goose bumps. It is a very proud moment for me. One that sometimes brings a tear to my eye because of all the the hard work and dedication on the part of each student. Be sure to compliment your child on their performance.
The Jolly Phonic sound for next week is the l sound.
Some of the words are: let, lot, log, lap, leg, led, lid, lad, lip, lug, link, lock.
The By Heart words for this week are: like and my.
There are a few children are write letters to the elf or their parents and these two words are often needed.
The focus in the area of reading will be listening to stories related to Christmas.
The focus will continue to be measuring for the next four days and will also continue into part of January. Measurement encompasses measuring the length and width of items, capacity which is how much water or sand various containers can hold, and mass which is measuring various materials by weight. This is why measurement will take the majority of the month of January.  

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