
Friday, February 28, 2014

The jolly phonic sound for this week is the short "a" sound. Please practise the letter and the sound with your child on a weekly basis for about 5 minutes. This can happen when walking to school, in the car driving or while you are preparing supper. It does not have to be a long time. The vowels are very difficult for the students. Some of the words we will be working on are: cat, hat, can, man, cap, bad, ham, jam, ball, tall, fall, tap, lap, back, pack, sack, rag, mad, sad, had.
The comprehension strategy the students will be introduced to is: making a prediction. During teacher read aloud, I will stop at various parts of the story and ask the children to predict what might happen next in the story and why they predict that might happen. They are to use clues from what has been read so far, and some of their own experiences to help them with their predictions. 

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