
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome June
It is hard to believe tomorrow will be the first day of June. However, when I see the growth the students have made I know it is June. This is a very busy month because the SK students will be having their Farewell to Kindergarten, on June 11th. Then there is the Kindergarten end of the year trip on June 12th. The students will be bringing home a permission letter regarding the trip on Monday.
As for the Kindergarten Farewell, I am planning on having the same procedure as I did for the Mother's Day Celebration. The morning JK and SK student will have their morning centres and then they will eat snack at about 10:10. Then at 10:30 the afternoon SK students are invited to come to the classroom to get ready for the presentations that will take place in the gym. Parents are invited to go straight to the gym at 10:30. Both the morning JK, SK and afternoon SK students will sing a couple of songs and do a poem. The morning JK will sit down on chairs at this time.Then I will read both the morning and afternoon SK students answers to their interviewed questions. Some of the questions were: What do you dream of being when you grow up? If I could give you one wish what would you wish for? There were a few other questions.
Next the students will receive a little diploma. This is the time where parents are welcomed to take pictures of their child. Then the ceremony will be over. The whole ceremony should take no more than 20 minutes. Younger siblings and grandparents are invited to come as well.  
Due to the fact the gym is very popular in June I have decided there will be no refreshments this time. This will eliminate any mess in the gym for the next class at 11:10. The students have had their snack already.
There will be class for the afternoon children at the regular time.

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