
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Little Elf on the Shelf Update
It doesn't matter if it is Stella Elf or Rainbow Bella, they sure are tricky little elves. Not only do they move every night when there is nobody in the room, they have begun to play little tricks with some of the things in the classroom.
One day Stella Elf took the morning message and hid it behind the big blue container that holds all the trains.
Another day Rainbow Bella crossed out Love Mrs. Foote on the message and wrote Love Rainbow Bella.
Then on Friday, Stella and Rainbow Bella took the children's name tags and hid them. Everyone looked all over the classroom and they were never found. Now that means the SK's and the JK's must sign their name or part of their name in the book everyday! Perhaps this was the Elf's sneaky way of having all the children learn to practise printing their names.
I wonder what sneaky little tricks those elf's have up their sleeves for this week and the last week. I will be sure to keep everyone updated.
Every morning and afternoon when the children come into the room the first thing they do is look for their little elf and are very excited when they find her.
Even though all the children voted on the names the boys are a little sad that the elf has a girl name. So they have decided to keep the name and now the elf is half boy and half girl. i told the children that once you have a vote and something is the winner there is no changing it even if you don't like it.
I really thought the elf on the shelf and some of the tricks she is doing would prompt some of the children to write to her. But that has not happened as much as I thought. However, on Friday during joy day the children coloured their own little elf and I put them on our classroom door.

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