
Sunday, January 6, 2013

The "By Heart Words" for this week are:  purple and said. In Jolly Phonics we will be working on the "b" sound. Every day in the morning message we practise some of the words with the sound and stretching out the sounds and chunking the sounds are practised as a large group on a daily basis.
We will be working on the "ot" family this week. There are many words that assist in reading if one can chunk the "ot" sound, such as  cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot, spot, shot, slot, trot. I try to focus mainly on the short vowel sounds. The long vowel sounds are very difficult because there are so many different variations for these vowels.
The reading strategy will continue to be Retelling. There are many, many winter books that lead themselves very nicely to the retelling strategy.
There are many children who are becoming ready and eager to read or are already reading. I will be meeting with these children individually and see where they are comfortable reading. This is dependent upon how fluently they read, how they use the punctuation when reading and their knowledge of the "By Heart Words". Once I have a clear indication of the comfort level of each child's reading I will send home little books for them to read on a weekly basis. At this time this will apply mainly to the SK children. I want the children to be able to read and to use some of the strategies they have been taught during teaching time. Some of these strategies include: it is a by heart word, look at the beginning sound, use the picture to help you figure out the word. 

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