
Saturday, April 27, 2013

The jolly phonic sound for this week is the "m" sound. Some words we will focus on are:  map, mat, man, men, met, mist, miss, mop, mud, mom, mug, much, mad. I have to thank many of the parents for assisting your child with the sounds at home. It is very evident that you have been working hard with your child because most of the SK children know most of the sounds and many of the JK children are very aware of the sounds. Both groups experience some difficulty with the short vowel sound, especially the short "e" and "i" sounds. But with continued practise they will master these sounds too.
The By Heart Word for this week is the word "they", mostly because this word seems to be appearing in many of the books for the SK children and also the children often require this word for their writing. Since many of the JK and SK children love to get the word from the By Heart Wall to help them when writing, I thought it may as well become one of the words.
This week we will continue with reading nonfiction text to learn and attempt to answer some of the children's wonderings about giraffes.

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