
Friday, May 3, 2013

Mother's Day Celebration
Most of you have received your invitation for the Mother's Day Celebration. If your child was away yesterday I forgot to send yours home today. You will receive it on Monday. If you are unable to attend due to working, perhaps grandma could come in your place. The following is the schedule:
At 9:50 or 12:50 parents may enter the school with the children. The children will go into the classroom and parents can go into the gym. The children will be in the gym after attendance has been taken.
The children will sing two songs for Mom and one poem. Then the children will sit with Mom and have a refreshment (ice tea or lemonade). The children will present their card and little gift to Mom. Mr. Hawkey will take a picture of Mom or Grandma and the child. If you have two children in Kindergarten, it may be nice to have a picture of yourself and the one child and then one with the other child (just a thought). You will receive a copy of the photo but unfortunately it won't be until after Mother's Day.
The children and I are very excited. We will be very busy next week making things for the celebration therefore the children will not be bringing home a poem this week. If you volunteer next week, I may send you out of the room to do a job when we are practising our songs and poem. 

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