
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Many of the children have learned which items are magnetic and which items are not. They were able to tell me items were magnetic because they had metal on them. They were surprised by the wooden clothespin and that parts of the scissors were magnetic. This will continue to be at the centre for the rest of this week.
As a large group we will be learning about some things in the environment that are living and non-living. The children will also be learning about why some things are living.
On Friday, I introduced this topic and asked the children to tell me some things that were living. Most of the children told me about people, animals, and insects. When I asked them why this things were living they explained because they have ears, mouth, eyes, and they move. The next question was: Is a tree a living thing? The answer no because it does not have a mouth to eat with or ears, or eyes.
Now that I have examined what the children know about living things, I know what I want them to know about living things. For example, living things move, they breathe, they need food, water, and they make more that look like them (reproduce). 

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