
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reminder about Friday, it is Crazy Hair Day! I was at the Library after school today and there before my eyes was a book and CD called "Crazy Hair Day!" I will have the children make apicture of themselves and their crazy hair! I will try to take individual pictures of the children for their CD file.

A Little Creature - Excitement

There was great excitement in the Kindergarten room today. When the children were eating snack, I noticed there was a big fat caterpillar crawling along the floor. First, I picked it up with a piece of construction paper. Then I remembered I had purchased two bug kits for the children to use, so I placed it inside the container. During large group sharing, I passed the caterpillar around for everyone to look at. After everyone had a few minutes to examine the caterpillar, I asked the children to share with everyone something they had noticed about the caterpillar and any "I wonders" they may have. Here are some of the things they noticed:
-he is very fluffy and furry
- he looks a  little prickly
-he has lots of legs, too many to count
-he moves pretty fast
-he likes to crawl all over the jar
-he is black
-oh, I see brown on his tummy, when he is hanging upside down from the top of the jar
-I saw his eyes and they looked yellow
-he has some spikes on his head
-I know those spikes are called antennas
-I know it doesn't have any wings
One of the children explained that we would know if it is a caterpillar because if it spins into a cocoon and then turns into a caterpillar that means it is a caterpillar
Some of the children's Wonderings:
I wonder how they get up into the tree?
I wonder if caterpillars stick to trees?
I wonder how it got into the classroom?
I wonder what caterpillars eat?
I wonder if they can dig?
I wonder where they live?
I wonder if they like fruit?
I wonder if they know they will change into a butterfly?
I wonder where caterpillars go in the winter?
I wonder when caterpillars turn into butterflies? Is it in the Fall?
How do butterflies know when to leave?
Do they all fly together?
Do all butterflies fly away for winter?
I asked the children where we could find the answers to our I wonder questions:
They told me to go to the computer to find out.
One of the boys told me there were some books about caterpillars and butterflies in the classroom and maybe the answers would be in there?
I told the children, I would have to let him go into the garden because it was not fair to keep him inside. He would be happy outside. One of the boys told him the caterpillar was like them because they are happy when we can go outside to play too!


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