
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dramatic Play Centre
I felt it was time for a change in the Dramatic Play Centre. As a large group, the children brainstormed a variety of suggestions, which I recorded on chart paper. Two of the ideas which were most popular were: a Pumpkin Farm and a Halloween Centre. It was decided the Pumpkin Farm will happen first and then the Halloween Centre.
Some of the items the children decided we need for the centre are the following:
  •  different sizes and colours of pumpkins
  • farmer clothes, like straw hats, suspenders, plaid handkerchiefs;
  • yellow and orange playdough to make pumpkins, apples;
  • baskets
  • apples to sell
  • straw
  • boots
  • tractor
  • any thing else that parents can think of to help with the pumpkin farm
  • aprons
The children will make a sign for the farm. There is a cash register that we can add. I am very excited to see what the children will add to the centre.
PS  Anything you add to the centre please make sure your child's name is on it so it can be returned to you!
Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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