
Saturday, September 14, 2013

The season is quickly changing, which means that Autumn, Fall is just around the corner. This is a wonderful season where given a variety of materials the children can create and build amazing provocations, if given a variety of natural and found materials. At this time, I am asking for donations of various rocks, pine cones, chestnuts (not opened), acorns, pebbles, small sticks, various pieces of bark, small pumpkins, gourds, and any other natural materials you can find. If anyone has a tree stump that would be an amazing addition to our classroom!
Also, I am asking for donations of various sizes of cardboard and any small wood scraps that the children could glue things onto.

I plan on picking up various materials at Bulk Barn, such as different pasta and seeds to place at the Creation Centre and in the sandbox.

It is too early for the leaves, but in a couple of weeks we will probably go for a walk around the neighbourhood to find our own leaves. 

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