
Saturday, September 14, 2013

The sound for this week will be the short "a" sound. The children are introduced to the sound on Monday. The action for the sound is taking the fingers from one hand and running them up the opposite arm to represent ants crawling up the arm. When stating the sound, "aaaa" the action is performed. Each morning we will review the sound and the action, as well as reviewing the "s" sound and action. Knowing the letters of the alphabet is important, but identifying the sounds is the most important, because the sounds are what good readers use in order to decode the words.
Some short "a" words for the SK's to practice are:
at, ant, can, nap, cat, lap, ran, ham.
The By Heart Word for this week is the word "and".
Shared Reading: Every day next week we will be reading a poem about Sunflower Children. We will be reading a different poem every week. The SK children will bring home a copy of the poem in their Poetry book each Thursday. There will be something for the children to complete for the poem. The first one the children are asked to draw a picture of something that the poem reminds them about. The children have been introduced to the terminology "Doing their very best work". For those children who are not ready for the reading of the poem, I recommend the parent read the poem to the child and have your child point to each word as you read the words. This strategy is important because it is an early assessment of whether a child understands some of the print concepts.
During the teacher read-alouds (which happens every day) the comprehension strategy focus will be on predicting. I will ask the children to orally share their thinking of what might happen next in the story. To further their thinking I will ask them why they think this will happen. It is important the children learn to use information from the story to assist them with their predictions and that their predictions make sense and are meaningful. The predicting comprehension strategy will be the focus for at least the next two weeks, but not daily. Many times, our read-alouds are for enjoyment! I want the children to know that reading is lots of fun and enjoyable!

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