
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things To Do At Home
I noticed during observations of the children, that some of them experienced difficulty to identify the numbers from 1 - 12. So I found a fun game for the JK students and one for the SK students. For those students who have difficulty identifying numbers from one to six, they roll one die, count the dots on the die, find that number on the sheet and colour the number. The die would also works well to subitize the number of dots.
Once the students have mastered numbers one to six there is another sheet where the students roll two dice, subitize the first number of dots and count on and find that number and colour it.
I have included the two sheets for your convenience, under the heading Things To Do At Home on the right hand side of the blog. Every once and awhile I will include a little something like this to reinforce a particular skill.
Just a little tip about dice and young students. I always place the die or dice in a small clear container that has a lid. Then the dice do not go all over the place and if the students turn the container upside down they are able to see the die or dice dots. I bought my little containers at the dollar store, I think in the baking section, ten for one dollar. This strategy really saves any frustration on the part of the student or the adult.
For those of you who have an Ipad there is a free app that reinforces subitizing of the dots. It has three levels and will reinforce this skill for your child. The name of the app is Spot the Dots. 
I have just downloaded it to the Ipad and will give the children a chance to play tomorrow. 

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