
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pet Shop Update
The students are loving the pet shop. They have been busy creating leashes and bags of food. They pretend to be customers buying the different pets and take their new pets for walks around the classroom using their homemade leashes.
Today one of the students decided to make a list of the pets in the pet shop so all the customers would know what they could buy. I asked her to write down the cost of each pet. I showed her how to make the dollar sign for the first pet and she independently completed the rest. She and I stretched out the sounds and she independently printed the name of each animal. By the way some of the pets are wild animals but that is okay. Here is one sample of how the students are encouraged to write in the Kindergarten classroom.

In the morning the students in the pet shop were very worried because we have some pet fish, a frog and a turtle. One of the students told me she thought we needed some water for these pets so they wouldn't die because they all live in water. She went on to explain that she needed a container and some blue paper to use as water and some tape. She and a JK boy worked very hard on completing the tank of water. As they placed the pets into the water I heard them both say: "I hope it's not too late and I hope they live". They jumped for joy because all the water pets were safe and happy. This lead to another water container for the hippo and the elephant because they like water too.

You will ntoice the blue paper in the containers to represent the water.
Then the students decided to create more pet food for the pets. Here the busy little hands are cutting away to make pet food, which will be placed in paper bags and they will probably make a list and prices for the fodd within the next few days.

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