
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Evidence of Real Life into Play Situations
This afternoon four boys were very busy building roads and bridges in the sandbox using a variety of materials found around the classroom. As they were chatting about their play, a couple of them started talking about how hungry they were and how they hoped it would be snack soon. I told them that snack was not for a long time and they complained a little.
Suddenly one of the SK boys told the others to wait at the sandbox for him, he had an idea. He went to the counter of the bakery shop and asked for help that he wanted to place an order. He told them he want 7 cakes, 6 cookies and 5 muffins. Then he asked them how long that would take to bake.
After that he went back to the sandbox and told the others, "if we wait about 10 minutes we can have pretend food and if we really, really pretend we might not get hungry again because I ordered us all lots of food from the bakery".
Great problem solving and implementing the real world into his play.  I had to share this wonderful experience with all those who take the time to read the blog. To those I thank you because it tells me you really appreciate your child's learning.

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