
Saturday, March 29, 2014

April Kindergarten Calendar
The April Kindergarten calendar is on the blog for you to download. On Friday, April 4th you will see there is a special event scheduled for the afternoon. There will be a note coming home from Mr. Hawkey on Monday, regarding the special event. The note mainly applies to the kindergarten students because of the two half day programs.
In the afternoon the whole school will be going by bus to see the Chinese acrobats perform. The performance will be paid for by the school with no cost to parents. You may ask, "How will this work for kindergarten students?"
The morning students will come to school as usual and then leave at 11:20. They will be invited back to school for 12:15 with the buses leaving at 12:30. The afternoon students will have to be to school by 12:15. If your child arrives at school by bus we may ask you to provide transportation for your child. We should be back to school by 2:45 and all the kindergarten students will be in the classroom and be dismissed at the regular time 3:20. We will be contacting the bus company to ask for them to pick up those students who take the bus home.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to take any parent volunteers due to the cost of busing and the performance. The letter that comes home on Monday, March 31st will explain everything in the same detail. You will be asked to complete the form to let me know whether your child will be attending or not attending. I will be assigned two staff to assist with the Kindergarten students. 

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