
Friday, March 21, 2014

The jolly phonic sound for this week is the short i sound. The students experience difficulty with many of the vowel sounds so practising three of four letter words with the sound is very beneficial. Some of the words the students will learn to blend together are:
big, dig, dip, hip, lip, sip, tip, rip, ill, pill, sill, fill, till, will, fish, dish, wish, bid, hid, lid, rid.
The By Heart word for this week is the "have". Some of the SK parents have asked for me to provide them with a small package of the words we have learned so far. I will be photocopying the words and sending them home with the SK students near the end of next week.
In the area of writing, many of the SK students are showing a keen interest in the area of writing. The students are not made to work with me in their journal but they are offered an opportunity to do so. Whenever they are asked if they will come and work with me they are very eager to do so. I only ask the SK and JK students to work with me for a very short period of time and only on days where they do not have gym or library. 

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