
Saturday, October 27, 2012

SK's Progress Report Cards
The SK children will be taking home their progress report cards on Tuesday, October 30th. Interviews will be scheduled in the early part of November.
Children's Learning
This week we will be finishing up with some Halloween activities. On Friday, I decided to ask the children what they were interested in learning. Some of their ideas were really cute: sheep, cows, bees and then some of them want to learn about 'bats". So for the first week or two in November we will be learning about bats. This will be a wonderful opportunity for them to compare birds and bats. A wonderful book to assist them with the comparison is "Stellaluna". It is a fiction but there are some facts about birds and bats that are at the Kindergarten level of understanding. This will also give me an opportunity to expose the children to nonfiction reading and some of the components of nonfiction.
By Heart Words
Please remember to review with your children the "By Heart Words". You can make it into a game by printing the words on index cards and having them read the word. The words they know put them into a baggie with a sticker "words I know", and the words they have trouble with in another baggie "words to know". Another idea is to write the words on index cards and then cut the word apart and have your child put the letters back together to make the word. The children have opportunities to stamp the words at school in order to practise the words and we read the words each day 5 times. Our By Heart word for this week will be "like". The children will be writing a little book using the heart word "can", I can book.  On each page the children write I can and then I make the sounds for the word they need and they print the word and make a picture. Then they read the little book to me. This is a "must do" for the SK children and those JK's that want to do it and also assisted.


The Big Box
I brought a big box into the Kindergarten room and asked the students what they thought we could do with the box. Their suggestions were amazing and the problem solving that went on with one box was astonishing for me to experience. The final response was that the big box could be turned into a Puppet Theatre but it was boring the way it was. Some of the suggestions were: put stickers on it, put cloth on it, paste all kinds of things on it to make it prettier and finally someone suggested to paint the box pretty bright colours. Next we talked about their colour suggestions: pink, purple, red, blue.
The next part of the discussion was, How many children could be the puppeteer and fit into the box comfortably. The children thought two children and that chairs should be placed inside the box for them to sit on. So I placed a chair into the box and one child went into the box and sat. The child told us there was a huge problem because he could not move inside the box and his knees were touching the box and there would not be room for someone else in the box. The solution, two children would go into the box and sit on their knees or stand when they were the puppeteer.
Next it was decided there needed to be a curtain for the puppet theatre so people would know that when the curtain was open the show would be starting and when the curtain was closed there was no show or the show was over.
Finally another teacher and I, modelled appropriate puppet behaviour and volume of voice for the puppets.
So within the next two weeks the children will be busy decorating our puppet theatre. I have decided the morning class will develop a sign for the theatre and the afternoon class will have an opportunity to develop their own sign. We do have puppets because I purchased 4 different birds, 4 winter animals, 4 zoo animals and 4 sea creatures. This centre should be in operation by sometime in the middle of November.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Soon it will be Halloween and parents will be asking about bringing in snacks. I want to promote healthy snacks for the children as much as possible and especially around Halloween. Two parents may offer to bring a snack for the morning children. One parent may offer to bring a snack in the afternoon, since a parent has already kindly offered.
Some of the healthy snacks I prefer are:  cheese and crackers, fruit tray, apples, fruit kabobs, veggies and dip to name a few. The children will receive so many treats in the evening. If you are interested in bringing in a snack just let me know. Thank you for your understanding.
If at any time you have some things that your child no longer shows interest in or you want to make room in your child's room, before donating to Goodwill or Value Village ask if the Kindergarten program can use it.
At this time, the children would love some Lego people because I do not have any. Also, I am looking for 2 white dress shirts to be donated. A parent has kindly offered to transform the white shirts into 2 lab coats for doctor and veterinarian. Believe it or not Goodwill, Value Village and the Christian Benefit shop have not white dress shirts for sale.
I am also looking for donations of about 4 short sleeve men shirts that can be used as paint smocks for the children. Thank you for your generosity.

I want to offer the children a different kind of centre on Fridays. For this centre I will be collecting your beautiful junk, or recyclable materials. Four children will have an opportunity to work on a Friday using the materials to create something. They may make their own creation or they can work as a group to do it. They will have to let me know what they need in order to attach the materials together, such as white glue, scotch tape, or masking tape. Yes, your child will be bringing home their beautiful creation after it has been at school for the weekend. So you will be able to marvel at their creative abilities and celebrate with them, because they will be very proud of their creations! I will be taking a picture of each child with the creation. I plan on having the SK's write about their creation, what it is and what they could do with it.
Things needed:   paper towel tubes, toilet paper tubes, small boxes (no bigger than a cereal box), salt and oatmeal containers. Thank you for assisting us with our Beautiful Creation Centre!
By Heart Words
For the week of October 22nd the by heart words are:  can and see.
The "by heart words" are on our By Heart Board and also written on chart paper near where the teaching takes place. Every day the children read the words aloud 5 times. Once a week the children use white boards and write the words we have learned so far. Starting this week, once a week the children will have an opportunity to go to the writing centre and write a by heart word book.  For the week of October 22nd the books are "I am a" books. There are 4 little pages in the book and the children write: I am a ... and draw a picture of what their sentence is about. The SK's a want them to attempt to write the word, for example:  I am a cat. They will write the whole sentence and make a picture of a cat. This not only allows the children practise with the by heart word, but also practise writing a sentence and being aware of what a sentence is. For the JK's this is not a must do activity, but the SK's must do a book a week.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kindergarten Math
The children will continue to work on patterns. They will be creating their own patterns using stamps, stickers, or foam shapes. Some of the children may create a simple pattern such as:  cat, hat, cat, hat. This is known as a repeating pattern. The children will be expected to name the pattern. So the cat, hat, cat, hat pattern will be an  A  B  A  B pattern. Others may create an AA BB AA BB.
The children are expected to make a repeated pattern, name the pattern and determine the "core" of the pattern. The core of a repeating pattern is the smallest part of the pattern that repeats.
If the pattern was:   red circle   blue triangle     red circle     blue triangle
The core of this pattern would be    red circle    blue triangle.
The children will also continue working with numbers up to ten. It is very important the children not only how to identify the numbers and the quantity the number represents, but not to always rely on counting the items by one. When working on the domino math station, I am trying to ensure the children continue with subitizing, by placing the first domino number in their head and then counting on. This is especially important for the Senior Kindergarten children, because this will assist them with adding when they are in Grade 1.  Dominos are an excellent way for the children to practise subitizing at home!


Getting Prepared for Winter
The squirrels and other animals are getting prepared for the coming of winter.  This is a great time for parents to assist their children to do the same regarding dressing for these conditions.
Getting dressed on time in the morning can be a challenge for many of us, but it is particularly difficult for young children who have to contend with buttons, zippers, and snaps when their fine motor skills are still developing.
As a parent, you might want to consider shoes and boots with Velcro fasteners (zippers tend to get stuck when they have snow on them) as well as other clothing items that children can manage more easily as these skills are developing (e.g., mittens instead of gloves, neck warmer instead of a scarf, boots and coats without liners, shorter coats without double zippers).
Before winter arrives, have your child practice putting on and taking off his/her winter boots, snow pants, hat, scarf, etc. independently so that on the first day of snow your child will not become frustrated in dealing with the many items of winter clothing. Also, please label ALL of your child's winter clothing and boots with his/her name ahead of time. Often on the first day of snow, many students do not recognize their own winter clothing and it can be quite difficult to decide which pair of blue, black or pink snow pants, boots, mittens or hat belong to each child. Especially if more than one child has the same or similar articles of clothing.
Getting dressed on time in the morning can be a challenge for many of us, but it is particularly difficult for young children who have to contend with buttons, zippers, and snaps when their fine motor skills are still developing.
As a parent, you might want to consider shoes and boots with Velcro fasteners (zippers tend to get stuck when they have snow on them) as well as other clothing items that children can manage more easily as these skills are developing (e.g., mittens instead of gloves, neck warmer instead of a scarf, boots and coats without liners, shorter coats without double zippers). To help your child when he/she is going to the washroom at school, please provide pants and skirts that are easy for your child to fasten and unfasten.
Before winter arrives, have your child practice putting on and taking off his/her winter boots, snow pants, hat, scarf, etc. independently so that on the first day of snow your child will not become frustrated in dealing with the many items of winter clothing. Also, please label ALL of your child's winter clothing and boots with his/her name ahead of time. Often on the first day of snow, many students do not recognize their own winter clothing and it can be quite difficult to decide which pair of blue, black or pink snow pants, boots, mittens or hat belong to each child. Especially if more than one child has the same or similar articles of clothing.
The order for the children to learn to put on their winter clothing is:
first - snowpants      second-  boots         third - coat         fourth - neck warmer
fifth  - zip/button up coat         sixth - hat        last - mittens

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

By Heart Words
In many of the grades children use word wall words. These are the most frequent words the children will come across when they are reading or writing. Many of these words can't be sounded out, they must be memorized. In Kindergarten I have decided to call them the By Heart Words  because I want the children to know these words by heart.
The words that we have on our board at the moment are:  am    at    I      the. 
Yesterday both the morning and afternoon group children gave me a few sentences to write which I wrote on chart paper. Some of the sentences were the following:
I am at the park.
I am at the beach.
I am outside.
I am at the studio.
I am at the lake.
I am at the river.
Today some of the afternoon children took their sentence strip and printed the sentence onto a paper and drew a picture of themselves to make the sentence.  Mainly the SK children chose this activity. The morning children will have an opportunity to do the same thing on Thursday. This is the beginning of their story writing, but they can successfully read the sentence because they orally gave the sentence first and most of the words are By Heart Words, which we practise daily.
The children can easily access the By Heart Words because they are placed on Velcro which they can pull off and return after copying the word in their writing.
A big thank you to Mrs. Rogers for setting up the By Heart Word board for me yesterday when she volunteered in the classroom!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The first part of the lesson will be to find out where the children can find patterns in the classroom. We will search the room to find some patterns. It may be on a shirt, or on someones socks.
Next I want them to show me what they know about patterns so I will ask for a few volunteers to come to the easel and draw a pattern on the chart paper. This is always difficult with Kindergarten children because they all want a turn. In order to solve this problem I tell the children they can come and make a pattern on the chart when ever they wish and put their name under the pattern.
Day 2 Lesson    On the chart I will have the following on the chart and they will tell me what goes next.


 Then we move into sound patterns...clap, pat, clap, pat. I won't say a whole lot, I just do the patterns and let the kids join in. Then I let them make up their own sound patterns. I will ask the children how they know what comes next. I want them to come to the conclusion that the patterns repeat--over and over again. Like everything else math-related, I do not directly tell them. I let them figure it out on their own--with a little pushing in the right direction from me. Then I ask, "Does anybody know what that's called--when something does something over and over again?" They might say repeating pattern--they might not. If they don't, I tell them.

At the same time the Kindergarten children will continue to have daily practise with subitizing and many numeration activities.



When I read aloud a story to the children this week, we will be working on the reading strategy "Predicting". This is where I want the children to listen to the story and use what they have heard to predict what may happen next in the story. This is a comprehension strategy that adults use all the time when we watch movies, read a book, or hear someone tell us a story. It is a way of focusing our attention and motivating us to want to hear or read more. Children benefit from predicting in the same way. Therefore, it is important that they be guided to not only predict what will happen, but to also confirm their predictions.

To predict, readers tell what they think will happen in the story. To confirm, readers find out if their predictions were true, partially true, or way off. Using this strategy gives readers the chance to make connections to the text, think ahead, and become more engaged. In Kindergarten the children make predictions and confirm their predictions by orally expressing their predictions and sometimes through their pictures.
Parents can help with this strategy at home by using the following questions when reading to your child at home:
What do you think will happen next?  

What clues are you using to make your prediction?

What kinds of clues did you use? (pictures, words, or background knowledge)
Some of the books the children will hear are: "There is a Nightmare in my Closet!",
 "There is Something in the Attic" and "There is an Alligator Under My Bed". I am sure many of the children will have some connections with these books.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Math Subitizing
Each morning or afternoon the Kindergarten children are working on subitizing. Subitizing is a Mathematical Strategy where one instantly recognizes a quantity without counting. For example, if I roll the pair of dice shown here, I instantly recognize that the 4 and 1 without counting.
In the kindergarten classroom, I flash cards with that include random dot patterns. The children shout out the number represented by the dots on each card or paper plate. The next challenge will be for the children to volunteer HOW they saw each number. Here's what I mean. If the dot plate or dot card had 3 of one colour and 3 of another, the children can explain I saw 3 red and 3 blue that makes 6, or 2 on top 2 in the middle, and 2 on the bottom. This way the children are not only subitizing, they are also explaining their thinking.
Some of the children are beginning to subitize, while others are still counting the dots. With practise all the children will be able do this mathematical skill. This skill assists the children with adding and especially reinforces the use of the "counting on" strategy. Parents can help with this skill at home by playing board games that require two dice. The children will be subitizing, practising their mathematical skills and having fun with their family all at the same time.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Taking the Children's Lead
One day last week, one of the children noticed I was eating a green apple. They asked me what it tasted like because she had never had one before. Unable to describe the taste, other than to say it was delicious, and obviously I did not want to give them something that I had been biting into. But this did lead me to decide to offer the students an apple tasting experience. I plan on having red, yellow, and green apple slices for them to taste. Then each child can explain which one they enjoyed the most and I can display this is a graph. This opportunity will automatically lead us to discuss the terms more and less and how we know. Look at the Mathematics we are doing in Kindergarten and the understanding and learning that will be taking place.
One day next week, I think it will be great for us to make applesauce in the Crock pot. Lots of math happening there with measuring and they will be able to see what happens to the apples. Unfortunately it will not be cooked in time to enjoy but we can always have it the next day. This will allow the students to orally communicate their likeness for applesauce or apples.

Math Problem Solving with Patterns
Children love patterns because they are super fun!  What they don't know is that they are an essential building block in their understanding about numbers. What starts out in Kindergarten as making pretty designs with pattern blocks or other items eventually leads to skip counting, repeated addition (and therefore multiplication and division), algebraic reasoning, and beyond! So it's important that children are provided with a solid foundation.
Last week I examined what the students understood about patterns by asking them to make a pattern on the feathers of a turkey. Most of the SK students successfully created a simple pattern.
The learning goal is for the students to recognize patterns in many different context. I want them to understand that is the same as orange... and the same as big... big... little.
We will be working in a small group and create the pattern with a variety of objects. This will not be a paper and pencil task, this will be an opportunity for the students to create and orally communicate their learning and understanding.
The first inquiry will be for the students to show and explain about the many different ways they can make the same pattern? The challenge will be for them to explain how they know it is the same pattern but a different way.